Play the Room


Play the Room
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Dagan Martinez Vargas

Dagan Martinez Vargas

A native Austinite, Dagan intended to follow his dad’s footsteps as a dentist. But while majoring in Biology at the University of Texas, he studied psychology and business and ditched dentistry, developing an interest in how people tick.

After graduation, Dagan spent a decade promoting global alcohol brands, networking at events at bars, restaurants, concerts, and other venues, learning to “read the room” and finding opportunities to grow sales. Soon, Dagan was networking and promoting an app in the hot Downtown Austin tech scene and consulting on digital branding. In less than 2 years, appearing on local media outlets, becoming a finalist to pitch on the SXSW Accelerator stage; and making it to the final round of being called to be on the tv show Shark Tank.

More recently, Dagan has been working in the insurance industry, networking himself as “King of Supplemental” and making it easier for people to talk about subjects like Cancer, Heart, and Death.

After sharing practical tips with dozens of individual networkers and groups on how to stand out, promote their businesses, and increase sales, Dagan wrote this book to share his lifetime of experience in this quick read!

Play the Room
The book

During my twenty years of experience in promotions and networking, nearly everyone I’ve come across could use additional practical tips on how to stand out, get more referrals, and increase sales, whether 
a quiet introvert, an extrovert, a rookie, or a long-time networker.

Play the Room book
Play the Room

“Understanding the keys of how to build relationships quickly and how to nurture them to build long lasting friendships/partnerships is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Dagan lays out those skills in an easy to digest, quick read, that will help increase your spheres of influence, and your bottom line.”

Dan Janjigian,
Author of “The Book on Selling”

Standout Authority

“Dagan Martinez-Vargas is without a doubt one of the most exceptional networkers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He effortlessly connects with people from all walks of life and cultivates relationships that are truly sustainable. He has an innate talent for bringing people together and creating meaningful connections that extend beyond the networking event. I am constantly in awe of his abilities and have no doubt that any person or business would benefit from reading his book.”

Joshua B. Lee, Founder/CEO
Stand Out Authority

West Lake

“Dagan sets the standard for networking with our members. He is a master at the golden rule of giving before you get, by making himself a pro-active contributor to our membership while laying the groundwork for future return business.”

Cathy Hoover, Executive Director
Westlake Chamber of Commerce

“Dagan is a seasoned business networker. His creativity and strategic approach to networking makes him unique and helps separate him from others in his area of expertise.”

Rodney Brulloths, 

Co-Founder, Business Xchange Network

Network in Action

“As an owner of a networking organization myself, I can [professionally] say that I’ve never networked with someone at the same level as Dagan Martinez-Vargas. He’s the master at seeming to be everywhere at the same time and always succeeds at making his time talking at the meeting the most memorable of anyone. If this book teaches even a portion of what he does to you, then you’re going to massively upgrade your networking game.”

Justin Kessel, Franchise Owner
Central Texas Network In Action


“Put in the Time, Be yourself and Truly care for others. That’s what Dagan taught me.”

Robert Duran, Founder
Biohacking Network Group


“Dagan is the networker of all networkers! If there is an organization in town, Dagan has not only been to their meetings, but knows the founders, and the in’s and out’s of their operation. And not only that, he understands ways in which the group could be even better, and provides valuable insight when it’s most needed.”

Erin Jones, Co-Founder
ABLE (Austin Business Leaders Exchange)

Play the Room

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    Play the Room
    Play the Room